Parts Management “Tool Kit”

Self-Study Program

Readings and exercises in this self-study course are found in this e-Book plus the three volume PARTS MANAGEMENT TOOL KIT.

This e-Book provides an extensive set of Management Development readings and exercises utilized in my more than 2,600 Dealer Management training workshops around the world. The majority of these programs have focused on tools and techniques to improve aftermarket parts and service operations, productivity, profitability, market share, cash flow and customer retention.

You will examine a wide variety of management policies, management actions and administrative support programs covered in my seminars. Dealers attending my workshops in the USA and abroad find these topics helpful in achieving their Machinery Dealer Parts Operations high-performance goals.

“Tool Kit” Curriculum

SECTION 1: Self-Study Parts Management Curriculum — This e-Book contains a comprehensive self-study Parts Management Development program, focusing on Machinery Parts Management issues. Special emphasis is given to collaboration with Service to provide high levels of off-shelf fill rate while maintaining strong inventory turns to deliver world class customer service. For a machinery dealership to be successful today, Parts and Service must consistently deliver high levels of customer support. This program explores what World Class dealers are doing today to maintain that sharp competitive edge.

“Tool Kit” Readings

SECTION 2: Management Readings — This e-Book includes a wide variety of management readings found in my 11 volume “Master’s Program in Dealer Management” along with new material by this author. The selected “Tool Kit” readings are especially relevant to Product Support Management. Contents of the four-volume Successful Parts Management Kit follows.

Please contact Walt McDonald by e-mail ( for more information on the extensive Master’s Program Text books or to discuss any aspect of this work.

Parts Management Tool Kit

Created by Walter J. McDonald


Guiding Principles for This Program

  1. Managing Overall Dealer Operations (THE BIG PICTURE)
    • Recommended Readings
      Bus Drivers, Controls, Maps and Tools
      An Executive Summary-Critical Profit Variables (CPVs)
      Managing the Dealership Overall – CPVs
      Improve Revenue Center Sales Mix
      What Impacts Dealer Absorption Rate
      Fully Utilize Machinery Business Software Solutions
      Nine Embedded AI Automation Applications, by Debbie Frakes
      Overall Dealer Operations—Benchmarking Performance
  2. Managing Parts Operations Improvement
    • Recommended Readings
      Parts Operations Overview
      Managing Parts Operations
    • Parts Operations—Benchmarking Performance
      Managing the Part Department – CPVs
    • Best Practices in Parts Operations Parts
      Management—Best Practices Audit
    • Parts Operations Improvement
      Tools to Eliminate Excess, Obsolete Stock
      Tools to Improve Off-Shelf Fill Rate
      Tools to Improve Inventory Turns
      How to Handle the Angry Customer
      Parts Management Decision Support Metrics
      Parts Inventory Control and Price Optimization
      Performance Appraisal—Parts Employees
      A Dirty Industry Secret: Service-Parts Burnout
      How to Develop and Mentor Product Support Leaders
      Eliminate Costly Dead Stock
      Improve ‘Right Part 1st Trip’ Technician Job Completion Rate
      Making Parts Forecasting More Accurate and Sustaining Parts Sales Momentum
      How Many Small Improvements Get You to Your Goal
      Parts Operations, Insights into Issues
      Building Sustainable Vendor Relationships
    • Parts Gross Profit Margin Improvement
      Margin Mix Contribution Analysis
      Product Support as a Competitive Weapon,
      The Case Against Internal Discounts
      How to Avoid Death by 10,000 Cuts – Or, How to Improve Dealer Cash Flow
      Margin Improvement Tools: Customer Ranking Reports
      Develop Parts Pricing and Purchasing Strategy
    • Parts Marketing and Business Development
      Ten Dealer Parts Promotions that Work.
      Are You Really Answering the Phone?
      How to Beef Up Parts Sales
      Increase Parts Cross-Selling and Up-Selling in Parts
    • Parts Management Action Plans for Improvement
      The Problem-Solving Process
      Dealer Project Planner
      SWOT Analysis
      Parts Management Improvement Projects
  3. Supporting Service Operations Improvement
    • Recommended Readings
      Managing Service Operations
      Stop Violating the Yellow Box
    • Service Operations—Benchmarking Performance
      Managing the Service Department–CPVs
    • Best Practices in Service Operations
      Service Management – Best Practices Audit
      What Product Support Investment?
    • Managing Service Operations Improvement
      Service Operations—Insights into Issues
      Proper Labor Hour Accounting and Control
      Estimating Cost of Lost Time
      Service Labor Productivity Evaluation
      Performance Appraisal—Service Techs
      Manufacturing Better Service Operations by Richard Golden
  4. Increase More Profitable Aftermarket Sales
    • Ready for an Aftermarket Sales Rep?
      16 Tools to Build Service Business
      Marketing Your Parts and Service
      Maximizing Aftermarket Profit Performance
      How to Conduct Successful Aftermarket Marketing and Sales
      10 Biggest Mistakes in Key Account Management
      Key Account Management Checklist
      Sell Maintenance Contracts and Track 2nd Segment Work
      How to Sell Planned Maintenance Programs
      Tools to Improve Parts & Service Labor Sales
      Are You Looking to Grow Your Business by Debbie Frakes
      45 Low-Cost Promotional Ideas
      Seven Tools to Build Market Share
      Monitor Customer Satisfaction to Eliminate Customer Defections
      Eliminate Status Calls Today!
      Customer Retention by the Numbers
      The Easiest Way to Hit Your Revenue Goals
  5. Aftermarket Key Account Management
    • 10 Largest Parts Customers, Ranked By $ Sales
      10 Largest Service Customers, Ranked By $ Sales
  6. Readings from The Master’s Program in Dealer Management
  7. Product Support Operations Assessment for
    The Newly Appointed Aftermarket Manager

Our sincerest appreciation to our Guest Contributors: Debbie Frakes, Chris Holmes, Steve Ross and, Richard Golden.


Guiding Principles for This Program

The Big Picture for Product Support Managers

  • Improve Revenue Center Sales Mix
  • What Impacts Dealer Absorption Rate?
  • Fully Utilize Machinery Business Software Solutions
  • Nine Embedded AI Automation Applications by Debbie Frakes

Managing Parts Operations Improvement

  • How to Develop and Mentor Product Support Leaders by Chris Holmes
  • Eliminate Costly Dead Stock
  • Improve ‘Right Part 1st Trip’ Technician Job Completion Rate,
  • Making Parts Forecasting More Accurate and Sustaining Parts
  • Sales Momentum
  • How Many Small Improvements Get You to Your Goal by Steve Ross

Parts Gross Profit Margin Improvement

  • Develop Parts Pricing and Purchasing Strategy

Parts Marketing and Business Development

  • Ten Dealer Parts Promotions that Work
  • Are You Really Answering the Phone? by Debbie Frakes
  • How to Beef Up Parts Sales
  • Increase Parts Cross-Selling and Up-Selling in Parts

Managing Service Operations Improvement

  • Manufacturing Better Service Operations by Richard Golden

Increase More Profitable Aftermarket Sales

  • Sell Maintenance Contracts and Track 2nd Segment Work
  • How to Sell Planned Maintenance Programs
  • Tools to Improve Parts & Service Labor Sales
  • Are You Looking to Grow Your Business by Debbie Frakes
  • 45 Low-Cost Promotional Ideas—How to Promote Your Equipment Business
  • Seven Tools to Build Market Share
  • Monitor Customer Satisfaction to Eliminate Customer Defections
  • Eliminate Status Calls Today!
  • Customer Retention by the Numbers by Debbie Frakes
  • The Easiest Way to Hit Your Revenue Goals by Debbie Frakes

Product Support Operations Assessment for A Newly Appointed Aftermarket Manager