The 14 module Distance Learning and private, personalized development program designed for machinery distribution executives and managers. A Certificate in Machinery Dealer Development will be awarded upon successful completion of all course and study requirements. Mr. McDonald will work personally with each participant on assignments, discussion sessions and study projects in each module.
2022 Curriculum
1. Step One: Establishing Personal Learning Objectives
2. Building the Dealer Development Evaluator for each Dealer Location.
Assessing 10 dealer performance strengths against 10 market attractiveness attributes. An essential first step in understanding the big picture.
3. Importance of Quants
The role of quantitative assessments in building dealer profitability, market share and customer retention. Review critical revenue center management tools and operations performance metrics that enable you to best control the business.
4. Customer Service and Retention
How to build value delivery in every customer interaction. Examine best practices and premiere dealer metrics. Identify performance standards and tools essential to manage customer expectations and maintain high levels of customer retention. Investigate how to best monitor dealer performance, listen to the voice of the customer and how to develop the employee customer retention team.
5. Product Support as a Competitive Weapon
The big differentiator today in machinery distribution is product support. How to determine a competitor’s aftermarket vulnerability. How to leverage this advantage. Discuss how to significantly increase the value delivery in your aftermarket product support business.
6. Parts Operations
Examine best practices and premiere dealer metrics. Examine why Off-Shelf Parts Fill Rate to Service is the single most important performance measurement in a machinery dealership. Discuss how obsolescence impacts parts fill rate and inventory turns. Review best approaches to improve Parts Fill Rate, Parts Warehouse Management, Parts Inventory Management, Parts Business Management and Parts Employee Development
7. Service Operations
Examine dealer best practices and premiere dealer metrics. Project current real cash loss of low current technician productivity. Identify drivers of individual technician productivity, and shop recovery rate. Discuss benefits of tracking technician efficiency and how to structure standard times in every shop environment. Review best approaches to Service Operation and Work Order Management, Service Supervisory Management, Service Labor Productivity Management, Service Business Management and Service Employee Development.
8. Aftermarket Marketing Tools and Techniques
How to optimize aftermarket market penetration to achieve high levels of Absorption Rate. How to project market size and share for your primary product line. Analytical tools that clearly identify high potential accounts for incremental business. Promotional tools and techniques that yield best results.
9. Personal Hot Topics (Part 1)
Private assistance from your Coach on your personal challenges related to dealer development. Topics could be how to build better relationships with dealer owners or how to improve sales rep demonstration skills.
10. Rentals and Used Machinery Sales and Operations
Examine dealer best practices and premiere dealer metrics. How to Conduct a Rental Market Assessment, utilize a Rental Rate Calculator, establish Rental Revenue and Profit Controls, structure proper Rental Business Policy, and potential for Long Term Rentals. Create a Used Machinery Market Development Strategy, structure proper Used Machinery Inventory Controls and study the Eight AXIOMS for Used Machinery Success.
11. New Machinery Sales and Sales Management
Examine dealer best practices and premiere dealer metrics. Create a comprehensive Market Development Strategy. Build an effective Key Account Development Strategy. See how team selling with Product Support gives you a strong competitive edge. Discuss best approaches to Machinery Sales Rep Development, Sales Supervision and Sales Management.
12. Financial Value of Optimizing Dealer Performance
Develop the incremental value of achieving high-profit dealer performance targets in each revenue center. Document where you are today. Project financial value of optimizing dealer performance in Service, Parts, Used Machinery and Rentals based on your current machinery unit sales levels.
13. Personal Hot Topics (Part 2)
Private assistance from your Coach on your personal challenges related to dealer development. A topic could be what are the minimum management information systems a machinery dealer should support.
14. Final Action Plans, Tools and Strategies for Successful Implementation
What are the three to five management actions that must be taken in each area to improve overall dealer performance. Project financial impact of proposed Action Plans. Examine how to ensure successful implementation. Many great plans never get executed because of the rush of day-to-day business. These implementation tools will help ensure your success.
Required Texts: 7 Volume “Master’s Program in Dealer Management” by Walter J. McDonald. Many of the exercises, readings and program activities are in these essential textbooks. You must have a set in order to participate in this training activity.